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7 steps for successful growth when faced with challenging opportunities.

You tell the Universe you are ready for growth and then you are tested.

I recently had an experience, in which I was at a crossroads.

I was faced with a decision.

In that moment, I could choose to operate in my lower self by comparing and distracting myself with the behaviors of others. I could choose to get stuck in that uncomfortable place and react out of frustration, self doubt and fear, or I could choose to utilize the opportunity to demonstrate growth and change my reaction.

Despite the struggle between my lower and higher self, I ultimately chose to operate in my higher self. Consequently, I was able to benefit from the clarity, insight and inner/ outer guidance that comes from staying focused, clear and secure. I decided to concentrate on my intentions, plans and next steps.

While staying focused , I remained open and received the biggest gift.. a download from the Universe. I was able to channel that energy and produce something wonderful.

You see... when we choose the higher road and pass the Universal “tests”, we then receive the lesson. We can also consider it a “gift” ,as was beautifully described by my colleague, Lisa Vaughan-Meer.

The Universe rewards you.

Your higher self truly desires peace.

How do you succeed at fully maximizing these situations to expand and evolve?

Here are 7 steps one can utilize when faced with challenging opportunities.

1. Recognize your initial, gut, ego driven reaction. Remain aware of how it feels. Does it make you feel tense, uncomfortable, uneasy, angry? Are you hot, irritated.. annoyed? Are you fearful? Be honest. It’s o.k.

2. Sit with the feeling, don’t push it away. Dig a little deeper. Ask yourself.. where is this coming from? Why am I feeling this way? What overall purpose does this serve?

3. Assess from a place of non judgement. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t be disappointed. Be loving and compassionate with yourself. Just know you are having a human experience. Your ego is real and can compete for status in your actions.

4. Phone a friend, or journal. Process what you are feeling. Think it through... out loud. Trust that expressing your thoughts, fears, insecurities and desires are healthy and helpful. Connect with someone, who can empower you and also strives to operate out of their higher selves.

5. Think before you react. Never make a move or a decision out of pure emotion. Sleep on it, take a walk, think it through...then act. You will not regret it later. With this pause, comes clarity. Emotions cloud judgment. Get clear.

6. Ask this event, situation or person distracting me from what I am trying to accomplish? Is it worth it? What do I lose or gain? Can I channel all this energy in creative ways , as opposed to destructive ones? How can I turn this negative situation into one that better serves my higher purpose?

7. Make a final decision and feel good about it. Be confident. Acknowledge your process. Congratulate yourself for the steps you made... despite how insignificant they may seem. Count every step you make toward changing your behaviors and patterns. Stay focused and remain connected.

You can do it.

Ìfé Michelle- LCSW, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Initiated Spiritual Adviser.

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