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The power of transition and honoring our ancestral lineage.

Ana Martínez

Ancestral Veneration begins before the Spirit has crossed over.


As the Spirit leaves the body, the interactions between those living and the one transitioning, is valuable.

It is an important piece, in the continuation of reverence and acknowledgment.

Veneration of ancestors, not only occurs after they have transitioned, but during the weeks, days and hours, leading to that moment.

It establishes the foundation for the continued connection, once their Spirits have departed.


In 2019, I witnessed and engaged in the tender care and attention given to my grandmother, Ana Martínez, as she was transitioning, and now understand the need for this, as the Spirit crosses over.

That intimate connection between family member and transitioning loved one, connects you to those Ancestors who stand waiting for them.

Brígido Martinez

In these moments, you feel the closeness between both worlds, the veil is very thin.

Migdalia Martinez

The ancestral relationships are reestablished, ancestral communication resumes and ancestral healing occurs.

Pablo Martinez

Memories of deceased loved ones become more consistent.

Their stories are shared and their messages experienced.


I now honor her Spirit... having a deeper reverence for the ancestral process of transitioning.

Knowing the Spirit is eternal.

Understanding that the transition, is the bridge that connects us to them.

In this moment, we all stand together, Ancestors and Living, understanding that we are never truly separated.

The separation is an illusion.

In memory of Alita.


Your Ìfé Michelle

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