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The connection between Intuition, Ancestral practice and Destiny.

There is a distinct connection between Intuition, Ancestral Practice and Destiny.

Intuition communicates through the voices of Ancestors and the Higher Self.

Within the Higher Self resides access to our Destiny.  

Our Higher Self is fueled by our connection to Spirit and our Intuition, for in these areas, it recognizes the Soul.

The Soul is not limited by the physical, and houses the metaphysical and spiritual. 

Living continuously in our lower selves, alters the connection to Spirit, our Intuition and Destiny.

If we choose to ignore Ancestral messages, we disrupt the Intuitive process.

When one ceases to allow Intuition to flow, access to Destiny and Purpose are interrupted.

It’s all Divinely connected.

The interconnection of the three...Ancestral practice, Intuition and Destiny, provide an increased opportunity for evolution, healing and growth.

If you desire to increase Intuitive energy, spend more time connected to and in Spirit.

Remaining in Spirit, allows you to be in constant communion with your Soul.

The more you are in Spirit, and in tune with your Soul...the more you are aligned with your Ancestors, Healing, Destiny and Purpose.

It is a beautiful cycle, specifically designed, just for you and your journey.


Ife Michelle

Art by : Mark Milligan Art

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