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The Miracles of Reawakening.

You have Awakened.

It’s as if you went to sleep, and woke up in a different a distinct body, with heightened senses and abundant awareness.

You experience the world in an authentic fashion.

Peculiar mystery and magic...



You are transforming, evolving, growing.

You are living.

Finally fulfilling your Destiny.

Allow yourself to be guided.


Give yourself permission to experience it ALL fully.

Remove doubt.

Remove fear.

Vibrate higher.

Connect with your Higher Self.

Honor the signs and symbols.

Celebrate the miracles.

Embrace the synchronicities.

Remember all that you have been, and accept the newness of all you are becoming.

Use this time to manifest.

Create and Inspire..


Take time to be still.

Protect your energy.

Love you, and embrace all the love you are, and all the love that is for you.

Receive your blessings.

You are Divinity.

You are home.


Ìfé Michelle.

art- lexonart.

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